Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fix AppFuse generated application that couldn't connect HSQLDB database

Step 1: Enable the hibernate show sql features. This for tracing which SQL have problem to execute. If the 1st one has problem, we can going on.

Step 2: Since, the original AppFuse 1.9.x is not well prepare for the HSQLDB. We need to prepare the table creation script for the HSQLDB. i.e., hsql-create.sql, in the metadata folder of the project generated by the AppFuse.

Step 3: Using command "ant db-prepare" or click it the "db-prepare" to execute it in the Ant view of the Eclipse.

Step 4: Using command "ant compile" or click the "compile" in the Ant view of Eclipse.

Step 5: Using command "and deploy-war" or click the "deploy-war" in the Ant view of Eclipse.

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